To add a new patient to the plan through the Bento Dentist Portal:
1. Login to the Bento Dentist Portal
2. Click on the "Enroll A Patient" under Membership Plans.
3. Select a plan and then use the fields below to search for the member. If they do not exist, select ADD NEW PATIENT
4. You will see a prompt to CREATE PATIENT. Enter in the member details and hit OK. You will see a message that the member has been successfully created.
5. You will have the option of adding family members at this point. Once all members have been added, select CONTINUE.
6. At the check out screen, check the box by the member name(s) to select the individuals you wish to enroll into the plan. Choose if the payment will be monthly or yearly (if the option is available). Finally, enter the patient's payment card information and press the "Purchase" button.